Food & Fitness

Super Bowl Feasts

There’s a lot of hoopla (that’s a technical term these days) going around about the Super Bowl right now. I admit it, I’m not much of a spectator when it comes to sports- never ask me if I know any names of players or even names of teams, because I guarantee you I will only disappoint. I love to be involved in playing sports, but watching them? Meh.

I’ll be watching the Super Bowl this year though. I really feel I ought to because it gets so much hype and I’m interested to try my hand at being a spectator. Also I have a couple major assignments due on Monday afternoon so distractions are obviously more than welcome.

A huge part of the whole thing is, of course, the socializing and eating aspect. What kind of event would it be without the food? But Super Bowl eats are traditionally high-fat, greasy, and contain about a week’s worth of calories even though it’s all snack food.

Fellow bloggers are rounding up some amazing recipes for Super Bowl celebrations, so I thought I’d join in the fun:

For a great dip for raw veggies, soft pita wedges, homemade crackers, or chips (I try to be healthy but I’m not naive!), try my Home-style Hummus. It’s tasty and quick to make, and it doesn’t call for any strange ingredients (I must confess I’ve never found tahini before. Don’t really know what it is. But it’s not in my hummus and my hummus doesn’t taste any different from other kinds of hummus, so I have come to the conclusion that tahini isn’t a necessary component of the dip, even if it is a common ingredient).

If you are willing to get away from the bags of chips, try baking some sweet potato fries! They are delicious (choose sweet potatoes over regular; the flavor is wonderful). You can also make some homemade ketchup* to go with it (and seriously, this ketchup is amazing. Gourmet ketchup):

Mix together 1 can tomato paste, 1/4 cup water, 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/4-1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/8 tsp cloves, and 1 1/2-  2 tbsp cider vinegar. Enjoy!

Want something a little sweeter? Make some vanilla ice cream or Obama Super Bowl cake!

While I’m not a huge light beer fan, Fat Fighter TV has a list of the best tasting low-cal beers. For peanut butter lovers, check out Peanut Butter Boy’s creations (including chili, 7-layer Mexican bean dip, and nachos!). If you want a classy menu already made up for you, then check out the Swiss-chard artichoke dip and more at The Kitchen Sink. Hungry Girl has a lightened-up nacho cheese dip, as well as a recipe for cheesy portabella skins with bacon.

I’m feeling the link love today.

Share any favorite recipes or suggestions you have for a healthy weekend in the comments!

*adapted from Tosca Reno’s recipe in The Eat-Clean Diet for Family and Kids


  1. Rupal

    Oh geez Sagan, I’m not even going to be watching the superbowl, but I sure am going to be chiming in on the food links!! Thanks..its a great list! I’m totally into those sweet potato fries!

    Have a fantastic weekend!!


  2. Tricia

    I think I’ll be watching the Super Bowl here, so I can make whatever I want.

    And there will be many Hungry Girl recipes (I’ll also be enjoying wine instead of beer, as anything more than 2 glasses makes me feel sick…it’s a good way to avoid overindulging).

  3. Mary Anne in Kentucky

    Thanks to my mother’s allergies I experienced many foods that were rare in the 70s. Tahini didn’t really have much taste; hummus recipes must add it for the texture, like your yogurt, which my allergies would have to leave out.

    I was interested to see that your sweet potato fries were sliced into rounds. When I used to fry baked sweet potatoes for breakfast I sliced them lengthwise.

    My mother used to make her own ketchup, too. The vicious headache I got from boiling vinegar was how I figured out I’m allergic to it.

    I’m trying to think of recipes that can be adapted to snack food, but I’m failing. (I’m not a snacker; if I want food, I want a meal.)

  4. Sagan Morrow

    Rupal- you have a great weekend too! Enjoy all the great eats (and thanks for the love on MizFit’s post:)).

    MizFit- hehe HAVE FUN!

    VeggieGirl & Bag Lady- they is tasty.

    Tricia- I’m all about the wine too (that girl in the PUB ordering a glass of red wine? Yeah. That’s me).

    Mark- and I SO have to do some background checking on the players involved…

    Dr. J- ahaha. Any excuse to eat!

    Rebecca- thanks for stopping by:) Maybe some homemade healthier wings? Hehe.

    Mary Anne- thanks for reading- that’s too bad that you have so many allergies. I wonder if the vinegar could be left out of the ketchup (compensate with water and some extra spices instead?). Am now on a mission to see if I can find a hummus recipe with no yogurt!

    FatFighterTV- uh oh, ancestors coming to haunt me. 😀 One day I’ll look a bit harder to find it, I’m sure.

    Dara- I really think that your kids would love them. ESPECIALLY if you’ve got the ketchup on the side.

    Sharon- do! It’s yummy.

  5. jack

    You can blend in sesame seeds instead of tahini, its the same thing but not as good. Whenever I make Hummus I like to add lots of sesame seeds, make two or three pots each with different spices and herbs (or extra garlic) to make different flavours.

  6. Holly

    Thank you for the recipe ideas! I have to say, I’m a little nervous about the SB because I know there will be lots of fried/greasy foods at the party we’re going to…I’m trying not to get too anxious. 🙂

    For something healthy (and it has veggies!), I’m making corn and black bean salsa w/cilantro. It’s SO GOOD that I literally eat it up with a spoon!

  7. Sagan Morrow

    Tom- ooh that sounds great. I love rosemary.

    Jack- such a good idea to make a few different flavors! Got any favorite combinations?

    Holly- mmm tasty. Bringing a healthier dish is always useful to be able to avoid the REALLY unhealthy stuff.

    Charlotte- love it! Have tons of fun. Sounds like my kind of party:D

    Maggie- yeah! I have to admit, the only reason I don’t have butternut squash is because I hate peeling those things. Have sliced my fingers open so many times… is there a special technique for it? Or can you eat them with the peel on? I don’t know if they’d taste so good like that; it’s a pretty tough skin they’ve got:)

  8. Nazarina A

    I make a similar type of ketchup and the sweet potato fries is a regular in my house.

    Sagan, you are a very fit lady!!!Do you ever eat junk food( maybe just during a moment of weakness?) I bet if you do it would bother you just like it does me. I weigh 126 lbs and that is where I want it to stay ha! ha!

  9. Sagan Morrow

    Gena- must be too exotic:)

    Juliet- best ketchup I’ve ever tasted.

    Nazarina- it certainly does bother me when I do! I do eat junk food on occasion… think I’ll write a post about it soon to give a more complete answer for you.

  10. Pingback: Junk Food vs. Indulgence « Living Healthy in the Real World

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