Food & Fitness

Life Lessons: Overdoing it

All last week I had horrible stomach cramps. Doing jumping jacks was even uncomfortable. My tummy was not pleased with me so I set out to determine what the culprit was.

My first guess was dairy- it seems that just about everyone is susceptible to minor dairy intolerance and I myself occasionally can’t seem to handle dairy products very well, so that would make sense. That is, it would make sense if I were consuming very many dairy products, which I had neglected to do (this realization sparked a sudden oh-man-I-want-milkyogurtcheese reaction that I was happy to indulge in. Yum).

Then I wondered if I had been having too many processed foods. I thought that going on a no-processed-foods detox for a week would help, but I’m well aware that that would have been a foolish choice to make the week of Halloween! And then I had to acknowledge, too, that my diet really doesn’t contain many processed foods, and there’s no reason whatsoever why my body would reject the small amount that I do eat.

It wasn’t until I was on my third bowl of oatmeal in one day that I considered that the problem might be my consumption of fiber. There is so much urging to eat fiber-rich foods and how it is vitally important, but what about when we reach levels that are too high? Eating more than enough oatmeal and other whole grains, vegetables and high-fiber fruits was causing my stomach to be upset. So I cut back on how much oatmeal I was eating and shortly thereafter, because of that small change, the cramps subsided.

This problem of overdoing it has also occurred in the past when I start exercising too much- to the point when I’d just feel constantly tired. Exercise is supposed to be energizing, so I’d increase my exercise before understanding that overdoing it was the issue, and cutting back just a little bit was the cure.

I completely advocate high fiber foods. What I do suggest, however, is that you take into consideration how much fiber you currently eat, how much fiber you consume in one sitting (I strongly recommend spreading several high fiber foods over the course of the day to ward off the stomach problems!), and how much you ought to be getting. If you are far below the quota, then only increase your intake very gradually to work your way up. And be careful not to go too far above and beyond the recommended amount. Too much of something- in nutrition, exercise, and just about every other aspect of your life- is just as bad as too little of something (as my train of thought veers toward how much food we as North Americans eat and the corresponding health problems associated with it… but we’ll save that discussion for another day!).

Evaluate the balance in your life. If something seems amiss, examine all the factors to see if overdoing it is the problem!

Have you fallen into an overdoing-it situation? Was it because of habit, preference, or something that was simply happenstance? And how did you remedy the issue? Leave me a comment!


  1. tokaiangel

    Everything in moderation! And variety is the spice of life! I’m glad you got to the bottom (ha!) of your tummy cramps, there’s nothing more irksome than a complaining belly when you want to work out. I’ve had tummy aches from eating too much fruit and veggies before. And don’t even get me started on the over-exercising thing!

    TA x

  2. GroundedFitness

    I love me some fiber, and yes, this happens to me quite a lot. For the longest time, i thought I had appendicitis or something (Im one of those “my runny nose means i have a brain tumor type people”) but my doc told me I was just eating too much fiber. Lol doesnt really stop me though.

    Kelly Turner

  3. P.O.M.

    Does over-doing it with wine count? Kidding.

    I definately over do it in the fiber catagory sometimes, but it’s usually my boyfriend that has to deal with the repercussions because I become Tooty Tootwell.

  4. Dr. J

    I have a good friend at the gym who often when he sees me says, “Don’t over do it now,” in his wonderful Caribbean accent!

    LOL He’s not too fit 🙂
    Don’t know about his fiber intake, but he’s a really nice man!

  5. blueberryhil

    I absolutely agree. Moderation in everything. I’ve only had trouble with fiber when I ate high fiber wraps and cereals and such. Those things gave me awful stomach aches. When I cut those out, I felt a lot better. Whole foods don’t seem to bother me as much.

    I definitely believe that we are all individuals and that listening to your body and doing what works for you is the way to go.

  6. Sagan Morrow

    TA- yes, exactly: it would be one thing if I wanted an excuse not to work out, but when you want to workout and your body is annoyed with you, its particularly irksome!

    James- yes indeed:)

    Missicat- that’s no fun! I hope you manage to sort it out soon.

    Kelly- heh its hard to cut back on it:) There’s so many tasty foods that are high fiber!

    POM- ahaha that’s hilarious. And heart wine:)

    Dr. J- aw that’s sweet of him!

    Blueberryhil- absolutely. We need to figure out what works for us as individuals.

  7. Charlotte

    Hee! I have often wondered if one could OD on fiber. I swear I get two or three times the RDA. It hasn’t impeded my jumping jacks yet tho;) And of course – I’m horrible at balance!

  8. the Bag Lady

    Another thing to remember if you are consuming a lot of fiber – drink lots of water!!!!!

    Glad you figured out what was causing your tummy ache – now get going on those jumping jacks!! 🙂

  9. The Peanut Butter Boy

    Might I add that while fiber is great, NATURAL fiber is the key. Those high fiber cereals, bars, etc… aren’t natural, they take extracted fiber and add it to regular foods and it wreaks havoc on your system, very difficult to digest.

    The other key, make sure you have enough water: I drink 2 gallons a day, no joke. And if you eat a fiber bar with added fiber? Your body needs even more water. In fact, water is the best fiber, it helps flush out your system and keep things running smoothly.

  10. Dee

    A very good point Sagan. I’ve overdone the fibre too. Can’t say that’s ever happened with exercise 😉

    I’ve recently realised that I’m living on overdrive so I’m hoping to take a break to reevaluate priorities. Balance is so important.

  11. Crystal

    A balance in life is the best way. I tend to overdo it on the exercise now and then or I go crazy on a veggie overload. I think it makes me feel like I’m really working hard to accomplish something instead of taking my time.

  12. MizFit

    everything in moderation is something I TOTALLY can do with fitness.

    with my shoespending not so much.

    and oh that I were kidding—I love me some nikes.

    (glad youre feeling better)

  13. Sagan Morrow

    Charlotte- apparently anything is possible!

    Bag Lady- mm, yes. lots and lots of water through my tea intake.

    Jack- ME TOO!

    PB Boy- absolutely about the natural fiber. I hate all those fake fiber sources. Drives me crazy:)

    Dee- it is! Hope you get things sorted.

    Crystal- that’s exactly what it is. But we need balance for sure.

    MizFit- me too. Or at least,that would be the case if I could find shoes that work with my one leg being longer. Maybe its a blessing!

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