Style & Beauty

Design Your Style, Part 3: Getting Creative

Be sure to check out previous articles in this mini-series:

Much as we might sometimes like it to be, fashion isn’t usually super-high on our priority lists of purchases to make (at least, it probably shouldn’t come before your regular bills, groceries, etc.!). One of the ways that we can get around the budget issue is to raid our own closets for ideas.

How to use articles of clothing you already have in your wardrobe to put together a new look:

1) Add shape. Shift dresses, oversize shirts, baggy sweaters, and other shapeless items can be given definition if you add other pieces to them. Some of the ways you can do this are:

  • Belt a dress (wide, thick belts are generally best for this technique, but depending on the dress and the look you are going for, you can also use a thinner belt , or even a long piece of ribbon or a scarf).
  • Tuck an oversized shirt into your pants or skirt, tie the shirt in a knot around your waist (this is one of the only cute fashion trends that came from the 90s!), or add a fitted cardigan or blazer overtop.
  • Wear a shapeless sweater over leggings or tights to balance things out.
shirt dress

Wearing a long blazer over a shapeless shirt dress and adding a pair of heels works magic!

2) Layer up. This works best if you have some fitted (or even tight) items – put them on and then throw something else on top. Think about cropped cardigans, button-ups, and camisoles to begin with.

3) Pair the unexpected. Experiment with putting different pieces of clothing together that you might not have thought of. Plain long-sleeved shirt, tank tops, and leggings are all really great foundation pieces that can often go with just about anything. This is also a fun way to incorporate summertime clothes into your winter wardrobe – start putting tops with bottoms and see what happens!

4) Find something you’ve never worn (or haven’t worn in a while). Figure out why you haven’t worn it. Do you not like the look of it anymore? Is it starting to lose it’s shape? Play around with these items; nine times out of 10, you will be able to find some way to wear them. And that 10th time, it might just be that you don’t have the right pairing for it yet. I still have a long-sleeved, lacy black pullover that I can’t find anything to go with – but I’m not giving up on it just yet.

5) Change your accessories. Sometimes this is all you need to do to dramatically change the look of clothes you already have. Shoes, jewelry, and bags can all make miracles!

What gems have you found in your wardrobe? How are you getting creative with your style? Share in the comments section below!


  1. Pingback: Cher's Closet from Clueless: Redesigned for the Real World | Living Fashionably in the Real World

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