Food & Fitness

Day 14 of the 100 Reps Challenge

Remember that during this challenge, on any day you can decide to break these exercises down into smaller sets. Keeping good form is essential here so if you find that you are able to do 10 of the reps with good form but your form starts to weaken after that, then do them in sets of 10 instead of 20. Likewise, if you happen to be particularly strong with certain muscles, feel free to modify the exercise and do more reps all in a row if you are up for it! This challenge is a great learning experience for understanding our strengths and weaknesses and improving upon that.

20 leg raises (not to be confused with yesterday’s side leg raises- these ones target the abs)
20 burpees (jump in the air between each burpee to get that heart rate up)

Do this set 5 times all at once or spread across the course of the day for a total of 100 leg raises and 100 burpees!

Fitness Tip: When you get into the push up position in the burpee, do a push up before jumping back up to starting position. Work your body just that little bit extra to feel it that much more and really push yourself to your limits. You are strong and absolutely capable of adding in the push up!


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