Monthly Archives: September 2013

Drinking: Montepulciano d’Abruzzo red wine

A glass of red wine can be a great accessory! Drinking stylishly goes hand in hand with looking stylish :) A beautiful red wine from Italy, this particular vintage of Citra Montepulciano d'Abruzzo comes in a full litre bottle and amounts to less than $10. There are a few reasons why…

Fitness Products Review: Part Two

As I mentioned in July, I've been receiving some products from to review. Gaiam is a pretty cool company that has a range of yoga and Pilates materials and accessories. This past month, I received the following: Thirsty Yoga Towel. I sweat a lot when I exercise, so this…

How to look fashionable when you feel blah

In a perfect world, we'd all look and feel great 100% of the time. This isn't a perfect world. (But you can pretend it is by following the suggestions below!) Even if you don't feel 100%, you can still look the part. Own it by following these simple tips for looking fabulous,…

How to make a short shirt longer

Not only can a shirt sometimes be a little too long, but sometimes it can be a little too short! For the shirts that you love that are just a wee bit on the short side, here are a few options to fix the issue and make that short shirt…

Living Fashionably in the Real World

I did it again (flashback to the early 2000s. Crap, now I have bad albeit admittedly catchy music stuck in my head). I've started another new blog. The problem with choosing a blog name like "Living Healthy in the Real World" is that there are so many other words that…

How to make a long shirt shorter

It happens to the best of us: we walk into a store, fall in love with a shirt, purchase it, and then wear it everywhere. Then we glance in the mirror one day and discover that the shirt we thought was so perfect is simply way too long to possibly…

Restoring the Work-Life Balance

Working for a registered charity while managing freelance work can be tricky. I love my job(s), but I have also learned the importance of balance. It's easy to get caught up in your work, especially when you love it! At some point, however, you'll almost always end up burned out.…

Ten-second boost: high heels

The easiest way to make your calves look lean and toned? Wear high heels! I adore exercising, but it really is amazing how great your legs can look just from wearing a great pair of high heels. Not only that, but when you wear high heels, it instantly makes any…

Style Inspiration: Natalie Portman

I have a major girl crush on Natalie Portman---partly because she's the same height as me and we both have beauty marks on our cheeks; partly because she's an amazing actress; and partly because she fights for her beliefs. Oh---and for the most part, Natalie Portman's style is pretty amazing.…