Monthly Archives: August 2010

BlogHer 2010 Conference Recap

Don’t forget to answer this month’s blogging/journaling poll and be sure to enter to win the honey giveaway! I still have another day left in New York City to explore and adventure, but the BlogHer conference is now over - and what a conference it was! Friday morning began with…

The Big Apple

Don't forget to answer this month's blogging/journaling poll and be sure to enter to win the honey giveaway! Living Healthy in New York City After waking up far too early on Wednesday morning, I caught a plane to New York City. Between napping, reading, and eating a sandwich, I started…

Product Review: Tropical Traditions Canadian Raw Honey

Don't forget to answer this month's blogging/journaling poll! BlogHer NYC 2010 Conference Today I am flying to New York City for this year's BlogHer conference! If you're in the area of attending the conference, let me know so that we can meet up :) Also, if the Hermes company would…

Poll: Do You Journal?

Last month's poll Last month we discussed the issue of wearing sunscreen, and whether it is healthier to slather sunscreen on our skin (which some studies are suggesting can be toxic to the body), or if it is healthier to expose ourselves to the sun without any SPF (which has…