Monthly Archives: February 2010

Re-Cap of the Raw Food Challenge: Part Two

Be sure to check out Part One of the Raw Food Re-Cap if you haven't already! In it, I address: 1) Emotions and mood, 2) Sleep, 3) Cognitive abilities, 4) Energy levels, and 5) Financial Expenses. 6. Body changes (weight and body fat percentage): Generally my weight stays the same.…

Re-Cap of the Raw Food Challenge: Part One

Yesterday, on Day 31 of the Raw Food Challenge, I ate: - Smoothie with 1 1/2 cups cold water, 2 orange juice pulp ice cubes, 1/2 frozen banana, some frozen blueberries, a pile of spinach, the contents of 1 probiotic capsule, and 1 scoop calcium/magnesium powder - 1 apple and…