Monthly Archives: October 2009

Poll: How do you like your bananas?

Last month's poll Last month we discussed ingredient lists which, truth be told, are a favourite subject of mine (as you probably already know if you're a regular reader around here!). I'm ecstatic to report that out of 35 voters, 71% always read the front of the package, the nutrition…

Calcium and Protein Powders

Yesterday night my dear sisterroommate Devin boarded a plane to Cambodia. She won't be returning until winter is over, sometime about six months from now. Since winter was so brutal last year, and since she graduated from university several months ago with her political theory degree (which is, admittedly, about…

Shifting perspectives

The Vegan Challenge may be over, but the effects of it are still lingering, for me, at least. I've decided to go back to my omnivoric ways, the same as I intended before beginning the vegan challenge. There will be a few changes, however; I'll be cutting out dairy from…

My eats for the last day of the Vegan Challenge

Yesterday I ate: - 1 slice multigrain toast with a few beanballs spread across, plus some raspberries on the side - 1 bowl of steel-cut oats using 1/4 cup dried oats (I'm not sure how much it "fluffs up" in the cooking process), 1 banana, cinnamon, 1 tbsp PB2, 1/2…