Monthly Archives: December 2013

Fashion Trends for 2014

What's going to be hot in 2014? Here, my predictions for what the new year will bring! Monochromatic outfits. One solid line from head to toe of the same colour - neutrals like black, grey, and white are common, but have some fun with it by going all-blue or all-green…

How to Love Winter Running

As I’ve mentioned many times before, I have a love / hate relationship with running. Right now I’m feeling pretty amorous about it (maybe that’s the holiday season putting me in good spirits?), so I’m taking advantage of the feeling and running running running! Here in Winnipeg, it’s around -20…

Five Steps to Beautiful Skin

My aesthetician recently inquired as to how I care for my skin - she was having some problems with hers and wanted to know how my skin remains clear after a treatment. Although I do happen to be blessed with good genes when it comes to my skin, there are…