Food & Fitness


The past couple weeks have been really fantastic for me because not only has the weather cleared up (sort of) and I’ve at last recovered from moving house/the end of exams, but the father dear is visiting from Cambodia!

For new readers to the blog: The father dear has been living in Phnom Penh for the past year and a half, investigating war crimes with the United Nations. The last time he came home for a visit was in November, so it is really nice to be able to see him again. The mother dear and I have been very much enjoying his visit (the sistertraveller is still in Sri Lanka, but I’m sure at some point in the next couple years the four of us will all be in the same country at the same time ;)). He’s only here for three weeks and then he’s going back to Cambodia at least until his contract ends next November.

One of the “good” things about loved ones going far away for a length of time is that it reminds us to appreciate what we have. It’s all too easy to take the people in our lives for granted when we see them every day. Take today and the weekend to spend some time with people you love, without worrying about needing to be elsewhere or about whatever might be stressing you in your life. Go out for a walk together, or sit in the same room reading books just to enjoy their company, or make dinner together and have fun with it. Life isn’t a chore- it’s a pleasure!

Have a wonderful day 🙂


  1. Pubsgal

    Hope you have a great visit with your dad, Sagan! My husband’s and my parents all live far away (closest are about 250 miles away), so we sure do appreciate the times we do get to see them. And yep, I do tend to take my family for granted a bit. I think we’re due for some nice weather this weekend (finally!), so we’ll be getting out to play, too!

  2. asithi

    As I write my entire family, including my siblings significant others, are driving to my house for the holiday weekend (Memorial Day for us in the U.S.). Once they get here, it will be pure chaos, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. It is little more work for me to get my house clean and grocery shopping (cooking for 10 people is a lot of work!), but it is nice to have my family here. I live far enough away where I only see them once a month, so this is a treat. I hope you have a nice time during your dad’s visit.

  3. Sagan Morrow

    Asithi- Eek, 10 people IS a lot of work. Lots of fun in that chaos, though. Hope you’re having a really awesome weekend.

    Bag Lady- It’s super nice!

    Steve- There’s never a dull moment 😀 I think that everyone has fascinating stories to tell… it’s just a matter of which ones get drawn out, perhaps, or which stories get told!

  4. clare

    love the good spirits in your post sagan! hope you are having wonderful weather still, and either way wonderful family time. ive been spending lots of time with my mom the past few days and its been GREAT!

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