Food & Fitness

How will you celebrate National Walk @ Lunch Day?

Representing the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Alexandra Lundy contacted me earlier this month to bring my attention towards a wonderful event:

National Walk @ Lunch Day.

And guess what? That day is today, April 28th! As most of you know, walking is my main method of transportation and my exercise of choice. It also serves as my therapy; an hour or two of walking each day soothes my mind and increases my contentment drastically.

Alexandra also notes that:

Walking is a great way to begin or maintain an exercise routine, as it is easy, free, can be done anywhere and has many proven health benefits. Regular walking or physical activity is shown to help individuals:
– Decrease the risk of a heart attack, type 2 diabetes and many other conditions;
– Maintain weight and improve muscle tone;
– Reduce stress; and
– Increase energy levels, among other benefits.

Walking is a wonderful activity that everyone can benefit from. Most people are capable of going for a walk even if they are unable to perform more vigorous forms of exercise. Walking can be as strenuous and energetic as you want it to be. It is also perfect if you’re on a frugal budget.

Today is National Walk @ Lunch Day, so I propose that we all celebrate by getting outside and going for a walk- 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, or whatever time frame you desire- at some point today. And I challenge you to keep it up. Walking for even a short period of time every day will improve your health by leaps and bounds. And once you start, you won’t be able to stop. It has to be one of the healthiest addictions around 🙂

Spread the word and get outside for some fresh air as you enjoy your walk today!


  1. asithi

    Unfortunately, it will be raining today, so no walking for me. 🙁 But I will be bowling in my league tonight so that is always a little fun way to get some activity in. And I am going hiking in Yosemite this weekend so I guess I can get my walking in later this week.

  2. Sagan Morrow

    Asithi & Geosomin- But walking in the rain is so much FUN! Especially if you have awesome rain boots to keep your feet dry. People tend to stay indoors when it rains so it’s an opportunity to get the sidewalk all to yourself 😉

  3. Pubsgal

    Walking at lunchtime is one of my favorite exercises, but Wednesdays are BodyPump days for me.

    Walking is great for lowering blood glucose levels. I participated in the “Big Blue Test” for World Diabetes Day last November, and 14 minutes of walking brought my blood glucose levels down from 95 to 70! The purpose of “Big Blue Test” was to show people how even just a little bit of exercise can help with blood glucose levels–nearly everyone who I saw participate on Twitter experienced significant decreases.

  4. Holly

    I had no idea it was Walk @ Lunch Day! In fact, I had no idea there was even such a day! 🙂

    I have to run errands today at lunch, but I will definitely walk at lunch tomorrow. Since I sit, it’s so nice and refreshing to stretch my legs AND get some fresh air at the same time. A few of my co-workers walk on breaks, too, and that is motivating whenever I see them head out.

  5. Sagan Morrow

    Pubsgal- That’s amazing! The goodness of walking is endless.

    Holly- It is SO motivating to see other people doing it too.

    Andrea- Tricky indeed when you’ve got a toddler in tow! But nice that he can join you sometimes 🙂

    Sophia- EEK I hope that everything’s okay! Gah.

    Love2eatinpa- Completely 🙂

    Dr. J- I’m not familiar but I’ll add it to my list of books to check out; thanks!

  6. Hair Loss Information

    I couldn’t agree more about the power of walking. I’m so excited by the renewed trend towards “walkable” neighborhoods!! Maybe people will get over the “prestige” of living in the ‘burbs, and rediscover the delight of walking to the coffee shop or the bookstore!!

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