Food & Fitness

Day 26 of the 100 Reps Challenge

Looks as though its going to be a beautiful day out today so it’s definitely walking weather! Also am dying for some cardio and a chance to move after the wonderfully relaxing and food-filled day that was yesterday. If you care to join me…

100 passe
100 minutes walking

No, you don’t have to do all the passes in a row, nor all of that walking, but over the course of the day it shouldn’t be too tricky! Feel like some different cardio? Skating or running or dancing? Perhaps a combination of a few different activities? Let me know what you will be doing today!

Fitness Tip: Wear good shoes out there! Warm boots with solid soles and good traction is essential in the winter for maintaining balance. Pump those arms for some extra calorie burn and to stay warm (and also to provide some entertainment for the people that pass you. Throw in a few lunges at random to really make their day).


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