Food & Fitness

Benefits of Flax Seed with Ways to Incorporate it Into Your Diet

Thank you to Kishana for writing this guest blog post! Enjoy.

Are you looking for a way to boost your health and help your body remain vibrant and energetic? Have you heard of flaxseed?

Flaxseed is bursting at the seams with goodness. Just take these characteristics as an example: flaxseed is made of two-thirds protein and one-third oil, making it incredibly healthy; one tablespoon has 40 calories, nearly 2,000 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, and 2.4 grams of fiber. All of this has amazing benefits for your body. For example, flaxseed helps regulate blood sugar, stabilize blood pressure, reduce symptoms from rheumatoid arthritis, decrease menopause symptoms, and helps prevent some types of cancer. Not to mention, it also is known to lower cholesterol levels.

How much should you take, exactly? Health experts agree that a daily dose of one to three tablespoons is optimum. So, what is the best way to digest these little guys? Luckily for all of us, flaxseed is pretty miniature and easily adapts to all different ways of consuming it. Here are some ways that you can enjoy flaxseed in your diet:

Ground Flaxseeds: If you want to get the ultimate benefits out of flaxseed, then the best approach is to grind it up prior to using it. The grinding action helps dissolve the outer shell, releasing the beneficial essential fatty acids that are contained within. There are a few ways to grind flaxseeds: you can either grind them in a coffee grinder or purchase pre-ground seeds in any health food store. Be sure to refrigerate ground flaxseed as it loses its positive healing properties quickly if exposed to light. One way to know if the flaxseed has gone bad is to smell it. Good flaxseed smells like a yummy, sweet nutty flavor. When flaxseed starts to go rancid it smells more chemically.

Baking: Another great way to consume flaxseed is by baking it into your favorite muffins, breads, or other baked goods. Flaxseed can replace around 25 to 50 per cent of the normal flour amount in almost any recipe. Stay away from adding too much as it will make your baked item hard to chew and heavy in texture.

Smoothies: Maybe a favorite way to consume flaxseed is by adding it to your favorite fruit smoothie. The flaxseed actually has benefits for the drink: it makes the drink a little thicker. Try adding whole flaxseed to your mixture at the end of the blending process, adding about a half tablespoon of flaxseed for every cup of liquid.

Kishana Sainte writes on health & lifestyle, fitness, and food & recipes on behalf of MyDocHub, a trusted online doctor reviews and medical information website. For more information visit


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