How to REALLY learn from your mistakes

Do you all remember about two years ago when my computer and external hard-drive both died on me and I lost months of work because I hadn't been backing things up more than a few times each year? Well, earlier this month, I accidentally spilled a half-cup of tea on…

Five Tips for Doing an All-Day Shopping Excursion

Shopping trips can be tons of fun---and they can also sometimes be exhausting and overwhelming! These tips will help you have an enjoyable, highly successful shopping trip, without the burnout factor. These tips will help you plan for your next all-day shopping excursion: 1) Figure out what you need. Go…

Product Review: Nature’s Path (Part One)

I love Nature's Path. They have some super tasty products, they are big proponents of choosing organic, and they have a nice balance between choosing healthier ingredients for their items without sacrificing flavors (because, let's face it, a lot of commercial whole food cereals and bars just aren't quite the…

Tips for Hosting a Holiday Cocktail Party

We are in the thick of the holiday season, and you know what that means---it's party time! Last week, Mr Science and I hosted a lovely little holiday cocktail party. I adore hosting parties (like, seriously. It's ridiculous how much I love having people over as long as I have…

Healthy Baking Ingredients

This is the perfect season for baking! I adore tasty baked goods, but they can pack a whole lot of sugar and butter that we don't really need. Enter healthy baking ingredients! My top three, favorite, go-to healthy baking ingredients include: PUMPKIN | ZUCCHINI | BANANA Why are pumpkin, zucchini,…